2017_Space_Catalogue - page 42

Fraction Sit - Stand Featured
The Fraction Sit - Stand Desk represents
performance, design, value and it is made
to the highest standards.
Well-known and
inspiring figures
spurned their seats in
favour of standing at
their desks.
Thomas Jefferson
third president of the
United States stood
at a tall desk to draw
up architectural plans
for buildings like the
Virginia State Capitol.
Winston Churchill
would often work on his
book manuscripts at an
upright desk.
Leonardo Da Vinci
was also said to
have worked using a
standing desk.
Risks of Sitting:
In recent years major international research has been undertaken
providing compelling evidence that sitting for more than 4 hours
each day can lead to:
• Reduced calorie burning and lower metabolic rate.
• Disrupted blood sugar levels.
• The shutdown of enzymes responsible for burning harmful fat.
• Seizing of leg muscles.
• Higher levels of insulin and blood pressure.
Irrespective of your physical activity levels, the outcome of sitting
can lead to increased risks of diabetes, obesity, heart disease,
cancer, back ache, stiffness, pain, dementia, depression and
muscle degeneration.
Benefits of Standing:
Sit - Stand desking enables users to easily correct posture
alignment whilst promoting the following health and work benefits:
• Revitalises your metabolism, burning between 50 - 60 extra
calories per hour.
• Elevates blood flow to the brain.
• Optimises productivity.
• Reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other
chronic illnesses.
• Promotes a healthier spine and joints.
• Prevention of muscle inactivity.
• Aids in the relief of muscular pain.
• Increases lifespan.
Sit - Stand Desks
0 4 1
focus, alertness
and activity
Space Office Systems, T: 020 7953 7747, W:
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